【AEAS培训】to my joy短语用法



1、2016AEAS考试to my joy短语的语法结构在句中的位置


He broke it, greatly to my annoyance. 他打破了那东西,这使我非常气恼。

I learned to my sorrow that he was killed in the accident. 我获悉他在事故中丧生而深感悲痛。

I discovered to my horror that my passport was missing. 使我惊恐的是,我发现我的护照不见了。

The work was done to his own satisfaction, but in my opinion it was badly done. 这工作他做得很满意,但在我看来,却是做得很糟。

2、2016AEAS考试to my joy短语的语法的变体

该结构通常的变体是“to the+情感名词+of sb”。如:

To the surprise of everybody the man was the girl’s father. 使大家吃惊的是,这个人就是这个女孩的父亲。

He fell in the water, much to the entertainment of the children. 他掉进水里,逗得孩子们乐不可支。

To the delight of his proud parents, he has made a full recovery. 令他自自豪的父母高兴的是,他完全恢复了。